I filled out some shows on Hijacked Flavors with embedded Youtube videos. Here is a good example of one of the shows. Man, that’s a crazy performance! Look at Beck go! Anyway, there’s lots of these clips on Hijacked now, so look around, or look at the Updates page. Or just go to Youtube and type in “Beck live” like I did.
Archive for the ‘Whiskeyclone Updates’ Category
I Plug ‘Em In My Eyeballs (Hey!)
Wednesday, March 28th, 2007welcome to my house, let’s go fuck on my couch
Saturday, March 24th, 2007We’re adding a new blogger here at Paper Tiger, and I’d like you all to give him a warm welcome. Jeremy Hansen (who some of you may know as Bebo) is a good friend a fellow bekfrx who I think will make a great addition to our blog. He’ll probably be posting something about himself soon, so I’ll leave the introduction at that.
Vin and I are grateful to him for agreeing to help out around Paper Tiger and we’re both looking forward to his contributions.
Welcome Bebo!
Comin’ at you 1000 beats per minute
Saturday, September 9th, 2006Sorry for the lack of updates. Not that there hasn’t been anything going on.. there sure has! And we’ve been working on different things for the site too.
The way Beck has been leaking out The Information has been really interesting. He’s been putting up one or two songs at a time as a stream on Beck.com, rotating new stuff in and out. Also, since the album will come with a disc of lo-fi homemade videos for every song, these videos have been showing up one by one on Beck.com, YouTube, etc.
At the moment this is what’s come out:
1. Elevator Music [Beck put the video on beck.com]
2. Think I’m In Love [Beck put the video on Youtube]
3. Cell Phone’s Dead [Beck put the song on beck.com]
4. Strange Apparition [Beck put the video on beck.com]
5. Soldier Jane [we only have live versions of this]
6. Nausea [buy the single at iTunes]
7. New Round [we only have a short snippet from a video sampler]
8. Dark Star [Beck put the video on his myspace page]
9. We Dance Alone [this was put on beck.com]
10. No Complaints [only a short snippet, though there is a live version around]
11. 1000 BPM [Beck put the video on beck.com; and plays the studio track during his concerts]
12. Motorcade [both the track and the video were put on Beck.com]
13. The Information [only have live versions]
14. Movie Theme [only have the video snippet, but there are a couple of live versions]
15. Horrible Fanfare / Landslide / Exoskeleton [Beck has played Landslide live, but that’s all we know of this]
The album is still out on October 3… not long now!
Looks like there will be some promotional tour dates later this fall (only a few have been announced so far in California).
Also, sorry if any Paper Tiger comments got lost… we get lots of Spam comments and I may have missed approving some in mass deleting the Spam. Sorry if that happened.
Mojo Weedwhacker Cuttin’ Into Space
Tuesday, March 7th, 2006Don’t know what possessed me, but I started a Whiskeyclone myspace page:
Feel free to add us if you’d like!
I’m A Driver, I’m A Winner
Monday, February 27th, 2006Hello. I thought I would write a little about the set of Loser songs which recently surfaced. Basically, an extended version of the 1992 Demo tape showed that, along with the Beck demos we already had, there were nine demos by Loser. Loser was a band led by Steve Hanft, who went on to direct a number of videos for Beck (and other artists) and a few movies (including Southlander, in which Beck appears).
These nine songs are all very metal/grunge-y, though occasionally they do touch on some country punk blues styles too. I believe most of the vocals were Steve Hanft, and Beck mainly appears as a musician.Â
The nine demos are:
1. “Born Of Whiskey”
2. “Dad Come Home”
3. “Trash Can”
4. “Backwash Mother”
5. “Back Of My Hand”
6. “Night Birds”
7. “Spinning Way Too Fast”
8. “Carburetor”
9. “Speeding Train”
The first two are official titles, the remaining seven are made up for identification purposes. We know the officiality of the first two songs because of this. Kill The Moonlight is finally getting an American DVD release. The soundtrack was released on CD years ago, and had three Beck songs. But with the DVD-release comes three more songs credited to “Loser (feat. Beck).” Two of those are “Born Of Whiskey” and “Dad Come Home.” The third is the instrumental, “Fish Bait.”
Hopefully more info about Loser will continue to arise. The Kill The Moonlight soundtrack is pretty killer, I’ve had the CD version for years. I guess I’ll need to get it again now with the three new tracks!
Spaceships can’t tame the jungle
Saturday, February 4th, 2006If you haven’t noticed AlmostAGhost has a new design up. I think it looks great and thank Dave for the great work on it. This new database should allow better interaction with the other sections of the site, and for more functionality and useful features in the future.
– Vin
UPDATE: PS. I wanted to add that there will be a source/era way to view the songs on AlmostAGhost soon enough. That is one of the functionalities we will be adding. More than a few people have asked about that, so I thought I’d mention it here too. Thanks for the interest! :-)
and I wanted to be your good friend
Friday, January 20th, 2006I would like to extend my welcome as well. Although I expect to be posting on here less often than Ghost, I still think I’ll have some interesting things to share with you.
Torn Apart By Idle Hands
Thursday, January 19th, 2006Hello. This is the new portion of the Whiskeyclone network, Paper Tiger. It, as you can tell, is a blog. We’ll use to it keep you up-to-date on updates to the website, mainly Almost A Ghost and Hijacked Flavors. Also, there will be Beck-related thoughts and links and music and whatnot. I do not anticipate acting like a “news” person, but naturally I will talk about important things or whatever interests me; for more comprehensive Beck news, try BeckBeckBeck.net or the forums at Becktabs.com or Stewoo.net.
I like to think that a blog is a natural extension for the site; my updates page on Ghost was semi-blog-like long before there was a Blogosphere. I enjoy writing and thinking about Beck’s music and goings-on and this seemed a good way to do that, keep people informed, and follow Beck. Thanks for reading…
– AlmostAGhost