Archive for the ‘Diary’ Category

hedi slimane beck photos

Friday, April 27th, 2007

Hedi Slimane is a fashion designer and is friends with Beck. He was the Dior Homme designer that Beck did the absolutely amazing Dior Theme for. Slimane has a photo diary on his site and today’s entry has a number of photos of Beck. You know, if you’re into that kind of thing. (Make sure to check the second page, too.)

(Thanks Hambeck for posting the link)

UPDATE: I was way off on the date and with the link to the entry above. The photos are from the March 5 and March 8 entries.

Japan Roundup

Friday, April 20th, 2007

So the Japan tour is over now. WuCu plays tonight (at the Echo, I believe). All is good.

We posted some setlists from the Japan tour earlier and they looked mighty fine. I was going to post some more, but to be honest they were all fairly similar. If you want to check them out, they will eventually make their way onto Hijacked Flavors, so keep checking back there.

After all our whining and hoping, we were lucky enough to get a recording of one show so far, 2007-04-16! The extra awesome news is that Beck played Time Bomb at that show and, in this blogger’s opinion, it’s awesome. The show actually seemed like a lot of fun. To me it seemed like Beck was more into it than he has been more recently in North America, but that might just be me projecting my own excitement onto the recording.

There was also that big art show we mentioned, which seems to have gone down pretty well. I understand that a whole buttload of people showed up, Beck signed autographs (check out Hambeck’s sweet autographs), and good fun was had by all. Plus, you can’t really go wrong with large framed pictures of horses humping, can you? I noticed in some pictures from the art show that there seemed to be an accompanying book that maybe was sold or given out there. (I can’t find the pictures now, but if I find them I’ll update this post with the links.) I haven’t really heard anything about this, but I’m definitely interested in it. If anybody has more info about this book, please share it in the comments.

Let’s see, what else…Beck seemed to have a really good time tooling around Japan, and he took a lot of mighty nice photos for his photo diary. I again recommend you check those out. That’s about it I guess. Sorry this post is kinda half-assed.

UPDATE: Thanks to Kristen for posting the link to azukibean’s Flickr stream, where I had originally seen the photos of the book described above (1, 2, 3, 4). photo diary

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007 has a new photo diary up, featuring nice, large photos Beck is taking while on tour. There are a lot of scenery/landscape shots, many of which are fairly abstract, and some band member shots. Beck is a good photographer, it turns out. Although the link will take you to the March 1 page, there actually photos for a couple days in February, too.

You folks may want to save these pictures, considering what’s happened to journals/photos in the past.