Archive for March, 2007

Beck – March 31 2007 Sydney Setlist

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

Here’s what I’ve seen as a report (may be incompletely and out of order):

Devil’s Haircut
The New Pollution
Black Tambourine
Cellphone’s Dead / Hell Yes Medley
Think I’m In Love
Que Onda Guero
The Information
Broken Drum (in the dark for Earth Hour)
Lost Cause
The Golden Age (with a short cover of the Pixies ‘Wave of Mutilation’ in the middle)
Clap Hands (with dinner party)
Where It’s At

thanks to adrowe for the report. the Pixies cover is new for Beck, and was probably because The Pixies were also headlining the festival with Beck.

one chromosome too many

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

PopBytes has a sweet Beck mashup by The Illuminoids for their mashup of the week. It’s called “Lugosi’s Mongoloid Loser” and mashes Beck’s “Loser” with Devo’s “Mongoloid” and Bauhaus’s “Bela Lugosi Is Dead”. I really enjoyed it.

UPDATE: This pic is sweet. (From the Illuminoids, but I got it here.)


Happy Birthday, Guero. Your Popsicle Is Melting.

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

So somebody posted over on Stewoo that today is Guero‘s second birthday.  It is no big secret that Guero is not my favoritest of Beck’s albums.  I think it suffers from Beck trying too hard to sound like Beck, which is crazy because he does not have a set “sound.”  He’s always changing, and that’s how we like it.  Also, in spite of the number of cool blues songs on the album, there is, in my opinion, a lack of emotion and the level of work that are normally associated with Beck’s music.

But while I think these things are true, I do enjoy a number of the songs individually, and even more so, live.  (“Broken Drum,” “Scarecrow,” and “Emergency Exit” are my favorites.)  Because of that, I am not sure how Guero will figure in historical terms of Beck’s oeuvre.  It is a popular album, for sure. “E-Pro” was a surprisingly big hit, and in the end, Guero probably served its purpose of bringing Beck back into the spotlight a bit (esp. after the style of Sea Change).  Some of Guero‘s songs will probably be played live for a long time.

But what is it as an album?  Did the album have the impact of Odelay?  The charm of Mellow Gold?  The brazenness of Vultures?  The craft of The Information?  Not at all.  What does it have?  I’m not sure, to be honest, even two years later…

masterpieces liquidate in fertile tears

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

According to our friends at Hambeck (original post / English translation), Beck has added a show at the Liquid Room! Some of you may have known about this, but it was news to me. This is exciting because Beck’s last performance at the Liquid Room, in 2003, is widely considered to be one of the best Beck concerts (or at least recordings) ever. Seriously, it’s an amazing show, you have to hear it. The Liquid Room is a small venue that holds about 1000 people, and Beck often comes alive in smaller settings like that.
Will this new show be as good as the last? Hopefully some Japanese fans will record it so we can find out!

I Plug ‘Em In My Eyeballs (Hey!)

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

I filled out some shows on Hijacked Flavors with embedded Youtube videos.  Here is a good example of one of the shows.  Man, that’s a crazy performance!  Look at Beck go!  Anyway, there’s lots of these clips on Hijacked now, so look around, or look at the Updates page.  Or just go to Youtube and type in “Beck live” like I did.

days fade to black

Monday, March 26th, 2007

For those collector types out there, I found something interesting recently. Many Beck fans know that Beck’s mother Bibbe was in the band Black Fag (note: not Black Flag) with Vaginal Davis. What I did not know until now is that, according to the discography on Vaginal’s website, Beck actually produced two records for Black Fag. The first, a 7″ EP entitled Parerga y Paralipomena, was released in 1992 and the second, a 12″ LP called 11 Harrow House was released in 1995. I would love to hear these, but unfortunately, they are both “rare and out of print”. If anybody knows where I can get copies of either the records themselves, or even just the music from them, please post here or e-mail us at Maybe we’ll send you something special in return…

Actually, if you’ll permit some train-of-thought-ramblings, I’ve been meaning to run a contest on here for awhile. Perhaps this will be my first attempt at a contest. A prize will go to the first person that tracks down these items. I don’t know what the prize will be yet, but it’ll be something. This contest is open-ended and will end when I say so. Go forth! Find the music!

(BTW, there are some other cool producers listed on that page: Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth and Bong Load Poop Alley man Tom Grimley also both produced Black Fag releases. Neat.)

I get my kicks on the mellow side…

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

Hello to ALL BekFRX and BekFRXETTES!

It is an honor to be part of Paper Tiger. I gotta give mad thanks to the Newtron Bomb who’s given me the opportunity to THRUST my Beckish rantings upon your feeble minds as I fiendishly laugh with joy….

OK, so a little bit about me. I’m a 25 Single/White/Male lookin’ for Miss Right…errrr yeahhhhh. I currently reside in the state of Utah where I am attending Brigham Young University. I’ll be graduating this April with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I’m excited to enter the workforce and who knows where a job may take me. Maybe I’ll end up being your next door neighbor (poor you. hehe)

OK, so on to the IMPORTANT stuff. I’ve been listening to Beck since shortly after Odelay dropped. I remember hearing Loser, but Odelay is what hooked me. I have seen Beck live exactly 3 times. Two of those times were just last summer including the INFAMOUS Bonnaroo meetup. I met a bunch of FRX from the Becktabs DC++ hub which I have been apart of for the last few years. The Beckhub forum/hub are where I am known by the moniker “BEBO”.
I’m getting the feeling that the NEXT question on your minds is, “Your last name is Hansen, are you related to Beck?”. Well, I will respond with a question. Will you still read my bloggings and and treat me as Beck family even if I’m not related to him? Just having the same last name should at least get me a few points, right?

As far as where I intend to go with the keys to this blogging car? I’m not totally sure yet. I hope to add some of my personal Beck insights. Oftentimes I have an interesting thought/idea concerning the world of Beck pop into my mind. I suggest them to some of the hubbers who either promptly tell me I’m crazy or high. What can I say, I’m a FRX. We’ll see how it goes.

So for my first post I’d like to get your feedback on a musical question that popped into my mind and is indirectly related to Beck. Why is it that many people tend to pick up and put on mellow/sad/emotional album when they are feeling down? I recall some times when I was down, pulling out Sea Change and really feeling comforted. This record to me is one of the ultimate mood records. The lyrics more than any other Beck record are direct and personal. There’s no beating around the bush, and we can feel/empathize/relate to Beck. I guess what I am wondering though is why not a happy record to PULL us out of the dumps? Why not something happy and fun like an old Presidents of the USA record (I know maybe some of you may hate on these guys but I love nothing more sometimes than having a good time while listening to their stuff)? I’m pretty sure we all have good collections of music with a spectrum of moods/images/thoughts they invoke. In broader terms, do we listen to music to MATCH our moods, or do our moods and to a greater extent our personalities begin to MATCH our music? Have a good one, and until next time…

welcome to my house, let’s go fuck on my couch

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

We’re adding a new blogger here at Paper Tiger, and I’d like you all to give him a warm welcome. Jeremy Hansen (who some of you may know as Bebo) is a good friend a fellow bekfrx who I think will make a great addition to our blog. He’ll probably be posting something about himself soon, so I’ll leave the introduction at that.

Vin and I are grateful to him for agreeing to help out around Paper Tiger and we’re both looking forward to his contributions.

Welcome Bebo!

Can I Get A Little Echo On This? Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

Beck played last night at The Echo in Echo Park, CA.  It was a short show, just a spontaneously announced warm-up show before heading off to Australia and Japan for a short leg of the tour.  The band was having fun, as they tried some slower tunes (“Lonesome Tears” and “Movie Theme”) among the fun stuff (“Cellphone’s Dead,” “Lord Only Knows,” “Nausea”). 

Otherwise, don’t forget, there’s the giant CD boxset of Beck’s singles being released in early April (see below).  Apparently, Odelay Deluxe is still on for then too (I’ll believe that when it’s in my hands). 

Reportedly Beck’s been recording informally, and recently told a Japanese paper he wanted to put out another acoustic record (but as usual with Beck, don’t count on statements like that).

If you’re in Australia or Japan and going to one of the shows, e-mail us setlists or pics or info, or if you can keep us up-to-date on any interviews or radio appearences or anything like that, we’d love to hear from you: computergirls at