Archive for January, 2007

Animals With Bananas

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

Yes, a second apology for missing comments. A lot of real comments sometimes get lost in a wave of Spam comments.

To make it up, check this out:

Both Dave and I were there and had a blast, and that’s me on the right, as the “uberfan.” I’m in the Q&A as well. Enjoy! If you’d like, you can purchase the set from Yahoo directly.
Also if you haven’t heard, The Information Deluxe version is coming out sometime soon. Has some extras, remixes and lyrics and stickers. The only thing I’d really be interested in was more accurate song credits! Info on Info Deluxe at

Otherwise, not sure what’s ahead for 2007. A short tour of Japan is in April, that’s the only real official activity scheduled. I know Beck’s recorded some tracks here and there for whatever… no idea what’ll happen with those. With Beck, who knows?

UPDATE 2007-02-06: Beck got bumped for John Legend on the page linked above. The Beck set can now be found at here.


Friday, January 12th, 2007


I just noticed there were a bunch of comments awaiting moderation by us that hadn’t gotten through. I’ve put them all through now and I’ll try to keep an eye on it in the future. Sorry if you’re comment was affected, and hopefully this won’t discourage all y’all from posting more and letting us know your thoughts.

2006 Year in Review

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

It may be a little bit late for this, but who doesn’t enjoy a good year-end review? 2006 was a good year for Beck fans, so I’ve put together this list of all the new Beck stuff that was released or discovered last year. For all the non-commercially-released stuff, make sure to head over to the BeckTabs hub, your Mecca for Beck earcandy media. (I can’t believe I wrote earcandy. I apologize.)

Keep in mind, this list is leaving out a whole mess of great concerts, club gigs and TV appearances, not to mention videos, puppet shows, t-shirts and lots of other great stuff. You can find a lot of that on the hub, too.









So what am I leaving off? Any major Beck events you think deserve attention? Let us know in the comments!

(On a personal note, I saw Beck perform three times in 2006, tying with 2002. Yeah, me!)