Archive for the ‘The Band’ Category

Modern Guilt Stuff

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

So over the last week, there’s been a little bit of news here and there, thought I’d provide a summary.

Two weekends ago, Beck sold tickets on Saturday morning to a show here in LA Monday night. It was at his usual pre-tour warmup club, The Echo (he’s done this 3-4 times in the last few years). On Monday afternoon, the show was cancelled, citing scheduling conflicts. Also there were unsubstantiated rumors about that Beck was unhappy that there were scalpers scalping the tickets for obscene amounts. Either way, show didn’t happen.

Then last night, Beck and his new band finally played The Echo. There was not very much advance notice to fans, tickets weren’t sold. The LA Times, after the fact, called it “invitation-only.” They played a bunch of hits, and 4 of the new songs. I’ll put more on the show on Hijacked Flavors when I get a chance.

Beck’s new band is guitarist (Jessica Dobson (who makes music as Deep Sea Driver), Bram Inscore on bass, Scott McPherson on drums (who played with Elliott Smith), and Brian LeBarton is back on keys (until Wounded Cougar takes off again). Welcome to the new band members!

The album, by the way, is thus:

1. Orphans (with Cat Power)
2. Gamma Ray
3. Chemtrails (listen to it on!)
4. Modern Guilt (watch Beck play it live at the Echo last night here!)
5. Youthless (also the name of an old poetry zine Beck made as a kid)
6. Walls (with Cat Power)
7. Replica (apparently drum-n-bass-y)
8. Souls Of A Man
9. Profanity Prayers
10. Volcano

Not sure what happened to the song “Beggar’s Shoes” yet; it could be “Soles Of A Man” maybe?

Also… expect the album in about a month (or so I’m told; it could change).

Beck’s Friends

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

1. First, and most intriguingly, Beck’s long-time musical director/bassist/friend, Justin Meldal-Johnsen, has reported that he will not be in Beck’s bad on the upcoming Modern Guilt tour. Only Brian Lebarton, the keyboardist, from the Guero/Info tours remains. If you’ve seen Beck live at all since 1996, you’ve probably seen JMJ and his fro–the only times he wasn’t in the group was on (some) of the Sea Change tours. There were 4 Sea Change tours: Beck toured alone, with the Flaming Lips, with JMJ in Australia, and then with a new band without JMJ for the summer of ’03. Also during 2005, JMJ was not in the band, but he rejoined them in 2006. JMJ’s bass mastery, leather outfist, and general bad-assness will be missed, but really, new bands = new sounds = exciting new shows.

No word yet on who else is joining. One rumor is that one of the members of Islands was asked to drum (Beck’s been a fan for a few years, they have a remix on Guerolito), but he said no. More info on all that as we find out.

2. Next, and I find this absolutely fascinating. Over on Beck’s myspace page, recently his Top 8 Friends were changed to 8 ancient Greek figures: Alexander The Great, Archimedes, Protagoras, Aristotle, Sappho, Archaenus, Socrates, and Pythagoras. And, on their myspace pages, their only friends are Beck and Tom (the Myspace guy). So clearly, Beck (or at least his marketing team) had something to do with it. But why? Is it some indication of what the album marketing will be like? Maybe someone’s just being random? Is it some play on the ancient figures with modern guilt? A quick Google search indicates that “modern guilt” may have some connection to Greek philosophy, and/or existentialism (my thoughts on Beck and existentialism are a constantly growing list, but that’s another post). Hopefully more clues about what’s behind all this is forthcoming, or maybe it’s just a bit of random nonsense, I dunno.

Buenos Aires DAY 2 (12/2/2007)

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Again from JMJ, the setlist (songs with links are to youtube videos that have surfaced) for DAY 2 opening for The Police in Buenos Aires :

01. Devils Haircut
02. Black Tambourine
03. Think I’m In Love
04. The New Pollution
05. Fuckin’ With My Head
06. Sunday Sun
07. Paper Tiger
08. Lost Cause
09. Soldier Jane
10. Girl
11. Where It’s At
12. Nausea
13. Minus
14. Loser
15. E-Pro

*Video quality on the youtube videos is not all that great and camera kinda goes everywhere, so frxz who get motion sick watch out. hehe. Sound quality is pretty decent, however.

Buenos Aires DAY 1 (12/1/2007)

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Here’s the setlist (songs with links point to youtube videos of the performances) posted on by none other than JMJ himself. Looks as if the Echoplex was indeed a warm-up and the setlist here is pretty similar.

Devil’s haircut
Black Tambourine
Think I’m in Love
New Pollution
Fuckin’ with my head
Sunday Sun
Paper Tiger
Soldier Jane
Where It’s At

Some comments regarding the show from JMJ as found on

“Oh yeah – the gig? It was fun. Getting our sea legs for the stadiums. I think we rocked, we’ll see what the press says, since their words obviously mean a lot more than what I have to say. Had a great time tho, seriously.”

the keyboard of your memory is coming apart

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Roger Joseph Manning Jr., who has played on Beck’s albums and in his touring band, remixed Beck tracks, and generally kicks ass outside of the Beck world, has been posting a series of videos giving a tour of his various equipment. He’s just posted the latest one, In the Stu-Stu-Studio Part 3. Go check them out at YouTube.

When The Information Comes, We’ll Know What We’re Made From

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

So it’s Information Week around the world.. if Beck’s new album isn’t out where you are already, it should be really soon. Nothing as fun as when a new album gets released. There’s 15 tracks on it, and depending on where you are, any number of the three bonus tracks (“Inside Out,” “Oh Menina,” and “This Girl That I Know”). Each CD comes with a DVD full of homemade videos for each song. The CD also comes with one of four sticker sets, with which you can make your own cover. Enjoy! If you want to mail a picture of your covers to this site, I guess they’ll be displayed. It seems like “Cell Phone’s Dead” and “Nausea” are going to be singles, but to what extent, I’m not sure (“real” videos were made for both) (fingers crossed for b-sides).
The band is doing a short US tour this month, with the idea of a fuller tour a bit later on. Go see them, they’re an energetic, fun, and tight band. I saw them last week and had a blast.

Looking to the future.. there obviously isn’t much talk about that yet. Beck was asked in a recent podcast/interview about that, and it sounds like he’ll be working Information for a bit.

he’s a full-grown manthing, but he’s not afraid to rock

Friday, July 28th, 2006

The Manthing, Roger Joseph Manning Jr., has just released the US version of his solo debut album, The Land Of Pure Imagination. It is online at iTunes, Rhapsody and Napster, with a CD version to follow September 12.

Roger will also be performing at the International Pop Overthrow Festival at Spaceland in LA on August 8. Go check him out if you’re in the area.

steve had a big commotion

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

Hey kids,

Steve Moramarco (who you know from Bean and Beck’s song Steve Threw Up) is playing a solo show at Tangier Restaurant in Silverlake next Friday (July 7). Steve points out that they serve dinner and it’s a great place to take a date. Steve’s a cool guy, so you should go check him out if you’re in the area.

Also on the bill are The Kids of Widney High and The Frequency. Tangier is located at 2138 Hillhurst Ave. (between Los Feliz and Ambrose) Los Angeles CA 90028. They serve dinner there – a great place to take a date! (323) 666-8666

Steve Moramarco has played in a lot of bands over the years. His folk/punk duo HILL OF BEANS had an indie hit with “Satan, Lend Me a Dollar” which was recently featured on the Showtime series and soundtrack “Weeds.” Power pop group BEAN had the distinction of sharing a split 7″ with Beck, pre-Loser days. Then there was HORSEPOWER, his short-lived porn film soundtrack band that wrote the title tracks to such cinematic masterpieces as “Transsexual Blvd.” and “She-Male Slut.” His ten-piece “Soul Punk Swing” band THE ABE LINCOLN STORY is finally finishing a new CD. Oh yeah, his Sunset Junction bad-acid trip is forever immortalized in Beck’s “Steve Threw Up.” If that gets you up off the couch, then you are a sick person truly in need of some help. But fortunately, help is on the way for you via his thought-provoking-and-bowel-cleansing music and lyrics, which he will perform solo-style.

Kids @ 7:45
Steve @ 8:45
The Frequency @ 10:45 — but call to confirm showtimes

More info at:

By the way, I did an interview with Steve awhile back. Check it out here.

word up to the manthing

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

Rhino Records’ latest Rhinocast features an interview with keyboardest extraordinaire Roger Joseph Manning Jr. Check out the extended interview here.

Turning Jams Up To Eleven

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

A quick awesome video here.

Enjoy.  I love jamming.  Roger, in case you’re wondering, and you should be, has a solo album on the way.