Archive for the ‘Whiskeyclone Updates’ Category

Hijacked Flavors

Friday, July 6th, 2012

Hi all,

Beck’s mini-tours this summer continue onward, playing 2-3 nights every so often. Later this summer he does Vegas and San Francisco, and then in November, he is going to Australia. I do not know what this means, or implies. I intend to write more about the shows after the Vegas/SF ones happen, but at one of the shows I saw, Beck referred to it as “dusting off the cobwebs.”

One thing this tour did do was kick me into gear, and I have finished an informational revamp of Hijacked Flavors. I do not know who uses the site to this detail, except me, but regardless, I’m very happy with it now. Basically, I went through every show one by one, googling each to find as much info about every concert as I could. (Which would be tedious if it weren’t so interesting!)

Things I updated:

1. Venue names – lots of errors with these before, from minor spelling mistakes (“theater” instead of “theatre”) to needing to input the full official venue name instead of shortened versions to a few that were just totally wrong. Cities, too, were often slightly off, listing neighboring big cities nearby, instead of where the actual venue lies. But I fixed that.

2. Band members – this was what kicked off my revamp. After Smokey Hormel rejoined the band, I went and searched Hijacked to see how long it had been since he played. It told me he had played 35 shows or something. That, I knew, was waaaay off. So I really wanted to fix that. Now every band member is listed and searchable, so if you want to know how many shows, for example, JMJ has played, you can (472). I think there’s probably less than 10 shows where I was not sure who was playing.

3. Opening acts – this was actually kind of fun to figure out and enter. A lot of international shows are still missing this info, I could not locate it, though I figure it is more possible there wasn’t an opening act for those. For Beck’s numerous festival appearences, if I could find the lineup for the festival, I only included the artists who played on the same stage on the same day as Beck. (Otherwise, I’d have to enter like 100 bands in.) If this information is missing, it is because I could not find it.

4. Youtube – I’ve embedded a fair amount of Youtube clips onto the concert pages, as well. This is something I wasn’t as thorough with though, so if there’s any amazing Youtube clips that aren’t embedded on their respective pages, let me know.

So if any readers want to send ticket stubs, diary entries, half-assed memories of setlists, or anything that might be worth documenting, please send it along. (Also thanks to everyone who has done this in the past!) If you see any mistakes or anything, feel free to send along proof too. :)

Thanks all for reading.

Feel free to join our hopping Facebook group here.

new section: horrible fanfare

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Today we’re launching a new section of, called Horrible Fanfare. This is a section in which we share fan-made comics about or related to Beck and his music. It should be pretty fun times.

So far we have a great issue based on Mexico, contributed by the very talented Suedehead. It’s pretty awesome. We also have a little comic that we made, starring Beck and based on Spider-Man’s first appearance ever, in Amazing Fantasy #15. Both comics are available to view online, or to download in CBR and PDF formats.

For any budding artists or writers out there, we are open to more submissions. Drop us a line at

A word on technical issues: there will be some. We wanted to make this new section pretty and fancy and fun, and we’re using some fancy tech to do it. For some of you, this may cause issues. If you run into trouble, please let us know in the comments.

The Land Beyond

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

Longtime Beck/ fans may remember that we used to have a section called The Land Beyond. It was full of random crazy Beck crap, the kind that we now sometimes post here. Well, we’ve brought it back. It won’t be updated at all, and we probably won’t even link it from the home page, but it’ll stay up as a kind of archive for those that are interested.

dress bek up in exoskeleton

Friday, July 31st, 2009

we just launched a new section called exoskeleton. it’s an online paper doll thing, with lovely art by the lovely ham.

post your creations and any technical problems in the comments.

Whiskeyclone Feature Wishlist

Thursday, August 28th, 2008


I’ve been working on a number of updates to the site lately. It’s basically a complete overhaul from scratch. It’s going well, but there’s not a specific launch date that I have in mind.

Anyway, I’m going to be putting in a lot of new features. Most of these are things that I’ve wanted to see on the site for awhile, or that tie it together more. Some of them are things I’ve thought of, some are things Ghost requested, and some have been requested by other BekFRX.

My question is this: what features, elements, or sections would you like to see added to Your ideas can be as general or specific as you like, wild and crazy or mundane. I can’t promise they’ll all make it in, but I’m definitely curious what you guys think. So sound off in the comments, and be creative!

Beck to play China? Maybe not anytime soon

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

According to Pitchfork, China will be clamping down on artists/musicians who perform there.  After an “outburst” in which Björk shouted “Tibet!” while performing in Shanghai, China says, “Any artistic group or individual who [has] ever engaged in activities that threaten national sovereignty will not be allowed in.”

I’m guessing they would include performing at a Tibeten Freedom Concert in that statement?  Who knows.  Anyways, Chinese Beck fans hang in there and feel the Beck love. megafeed + homepage updates

Thursday, December 13th, 2007


due to a request from one “cyanide breathmint” i have created an (almost) all-encompassing rss feed for its address is:


this feed includes:

  1. almost a ghost updates
  2. hijacked flavors updates
  3. paper tiger updates

it does not include:

  1. disco quebrado updates (i haven’t been tracking those and don’t have time to start right now; also, it’s not getting updated often)
  2. paper tiger comments (you can subscribe to those here)

in addition, the homepage is pulling the five most recent entries in this feed and displaying them, so you can get up-to-date information there now.

i hope you all enjoy this. i know i do.

Shirley Manson = FAIL. Sia Furler FTW.

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

There was a media report or two back not long ago that Beck was working on a song with Shirley Manson for her solo album.  I had added it as “Unknown Shirley Manson Collaboration” on Almost A Ghost.

Turns out, this rumor is not true.  The media lies!  Don’t believe everything that you read!  Get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve!

Beck’s right-hand man, Justin Meldal-Johnsen, does and has worked with Shirley and he debunked it.

Beck is, however, going to be on Sia Furler’s upcoming album, so look for that!

Pictures In His Wallet: Photo Requests?

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Hi, so I thought one fun thing to do for Paper Tiger would be to include photos of different places that might be related to Beck.  Since I live in Los Angeles, I could go take them on a spare day sometime.  I’m thinking of things like, the address listed on the “MTV Makes Me Want To Smoke Crack” single, or Al’s Bar, or Zankou Chicken.  Got any other ideas?  (Don’t say his house.) 

what are your interests?

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Hi everyone. Dave here.

Lately, I’ve been trying to post more on here and offer a more diverse Paper Tiger experience. I’m hoping you’ve been enjoying it. I’d like to get your feedback on this blog. What kind of posts do you enjoy? What would you like to see more/less of? How frequently should we be posting?

We want to make this blog useful and enjoyable for you, so your feedback is definitely appreciated. Post in the comments here, or e-mail us at