one chromosome too many

PopBytes has a sweet Beck mashup by The Illuminoids for their mashup of the week. It’s called “Lugosi’s Mongoloid Loser” and mashes Beck’s “Loser” with Devo’s “Mongoloid” and Bauhaus’s “Bela Lugosi Is Dead”. I really enjoyed it.

UPDATE: This pic is sweet. (From the Illuminoids, but I got it here.)


3 Responses to “one chromosome too many”

  1. Fearless says:

    Actually that picture isn’t from me, it was made by the Illuminoids and posted over at GYBO when the put the track up there.

  2. Newtron Bomb says:

    Thanks for the clarification.

    For those who are interested, GYBO is at

  3. Jells Mayhem says:

    Hey thanks..glad ya’ll enjoyed it.

    Jells Mayhem

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