Archive for the ‘AlmostAGhost’ Category megafeed + homepage updates

Thursday, December 13th, 2007


due to a request from one “cyanide breathmint” i have created an (almost) all-encompassing rss feed for its address is:


this feed includes:

  1. almost a ghost updates
  2. hijacked flavors updates
  3. paper tiger updates

it does not include:

  1. disco quebrado updates (i haven’t been tracking those and don’t have time to start right now; also, it’s not getting updated often)
  2. paper tiger comments (you can subscribe to those here)

in addition, the homepage is pulling the five most recent entries in this feed and displaying them, so you can get up-to-date information there now.

i hope you all enjoy this. i know i do.

Shirley Manson = FAIL. Sia Furler FTW.

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

There was a media report or two back not long ago that Beck was working on a song with Shirley Manson for her solo album.  I had added it as “Unknown Shirley Manson Collaboration” on Almost A Ghost.

Turns out, this rumor is not true.  The media lies!  Don’t believe everything that you read!  Get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve!

Beck’s right-hand man, Justin Meldal-Johnsen, does and has worked with Shirley and he debunked it.

Beck is, however, going to be on Sia Furler’s upcoming album, so look for that!

I’m A Driver, I’m A Winner

Monday, February 27th, 2006

Hello.  I thought I would write a little about the set of Loser songs which recently surfaced.  Basically, an extended version of the 1992 Demo tape showed that, along with the Beck demos we already had, there were nine demos by Loser.  Loser was a band led by Steve Hanft, who went on to direct a number of videos for Beck (and other artists) and a few movies (including Southlander, in which Beck appears).

These nine songs are all very metal/grunge-y, though occasionally they do touch on some country punk blues styles too.  I believe most of the vocals were Steve Hanft, and Beck mainly appears as a musician. 

The nine demos are:

1. “Born Of Whiskey
2. “Dad Come Home
3. “Trash Can
4. “Backwash Mother
5. “Back Of My Hand
6. “Night Birds
7. “Spinning Way Too Fast
8. “Carburetor
9. “Speeding Train

The first two are official titles, the remaining seven are made up for identification purposes.  We know the officiality of the first two songs because of this.  Kill The Moonlight is finally getting an American DVD release.  The soundtrack was released on CD years ago, and had three Beck songs.  But with the DVD-release comes three more songs credited to “Loser (feat. Beck).”  Two of those are “Born Of Whiskey” and “Dad Come Home.”  The third is the instrumental, “Fish Bait.”

Hopefully more info about Loser will continue to arise.  The Kill The Moonlight soundtrack is pretty killer, I’ve had the CD version for years.  I guess I’ll need to get it again now with the three new tracks!

Spaceships can’t tame the jungle

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

If you haven’t noticed AlmostAGhost has a new design up. I think it looks great and thank Dave for the great work on it. This new database should allow better interaction with the other sections of the site, and for more functionality and useful features in the future.

– Vin

UPDATE: PS. I wanted to add that there will be a source/era way to view the songs on AlmostAGhost soon enough. That is one of the functionalities we will be adding. More than a few people have asked about that, so I thought I’d mention it here too. Thanks for the interest! :-)