Archive for the ‘Paper Tiger’ Category

Beck to play China? Maybe not anytime soon

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

According to Pitchfork, China will be clamping down on artists/musicians who perform there.  After an “outburst” in which Björk shouted “Tibet!” while performing in Shanghai, China says, “Any artistic group or individual who [has] ever engaged in activities that threaten national sovereignty will not be allowed in.”

I’m guessing they would include performing at a Tibeten Freedom Concert in that statement?  Who knows.  Anyways, Chinese Beck fans hang in there and feel the Beck love. megafeed + homepage updates

Thursday, December 13th, 2007


due to a request from one “cyanide breathmint” i have created an (almost) all-encompassing rss feed for its address is:


this feed includes:

  1. almost a ghost updates
  2. hijacked flavors updates
  3. paper tiger updates

it does not include:

  1. disco quebrado updates (i haven’t been tracking those and don’t have time to start right now; also, it’s not getting updated often)
  2. paper tiger comments (you can subscribe to those here)

in addition, the homepage is pulling the five most recent entries in this feed and displaying them, so you can get up-to-date information there now.

i hope you all enjoy this. i know i do.

Pictures In His Wallet: Photo Requests?

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Hi, so I thought one fun thing to do for Paper Tiger would be to include photos of different places that might be related to Beck.  Since I live in Los Angeles, I could go take them on a spare day sometime.  I’m thinking of things like, the address listed on the “MTV Makes Me Want To Smoke Crack” single, or Al’s Bar, or Zankou Chicken.  Got any other ideas?  (Don’t say his house.) 

what are your interests?

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Hi everyone. Dave here.

Lately, I’ve been trying to post more on here and offer a more diverse Paper Tiger experience. I’m hoping you’ve been enjoying it. I’d like to get your feedback on this blog. What kind of posts do you enjoy? What would you like to see more/less of? How frequently should we be posting?

We want to make this blog useful and enjoyable for you, so your feedback is definitely appreciated. Post in the comments here, or e-mail us at

welcome to my house, let’s go fuck on my couch

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

We’re adding a new blogger here at Paper Tiger, and I’d like you all to give him a warm welcome. Jeremy Hansen (who some of you may know as Bebo) is a good friend a fellow bekfrx who I think will make a great addition to our blog. He’ll probably be posting something about himself soon, so I’ll leave the introduction at that.

Vin and I are grateful to him for agreeing to help out around Paper Tiger and we’re both looking forward to his contributions.

Welcome Bebo!

Mojo Weedwhacker Cuttin’ Into Space

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

Don’t know what possessed me, but I started a Whiskeyclone myspace page:

Feel free to add us if you’d like!

and I wanted to be your good friend

Friday, January 20th, 2006

I would like to extend my welcome as well. Although I expect to be posting on here less often than Ghost, I still think I’ll have some interesting things to share with you.


Torn Apart By Idle Hands

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

Hello. This is the new portion of the Whiskeyclone network, Paper Tiger. It, as you can tell, is a blog. We’ll use to it keep you up-to-date on updates to the website, mainly Almost A Ghost and Hijacked Flavors. Also, there will be Beck-related thoughts and links and music and whatnot. I do not anticipate acting like a “news” person, but naturally I will talk about important things or whatever interests me; for more comprehensive Beck news, try or the forums at or

I like to think that a blog is a natural extension for the site; my updates page on Ghost was semi-blog-like long before there was a Blogosphere. I enjoy writing and thinking about Beck’s music and goings-on and this seemed a good way to do that, keep people informed, and follow Beck. Thanks for reading…

– AlmostAGhost