Archive for December, 2006

From The Basement

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

A new “show” of live music is being made available on iTunes as a podcast (or a vpodcast, I guess).  The music is all produced by Nigel Godrich, and stars many of his friends.  The first episode consists of Thom Yorke and The White Stripes.  Beck filmed his contribution when he was in London earlier this year, and I believe it is the second episode (along with Jamie Liddell).  The first episode launches soon.  More info:

Beck Week In Southern California

Saturday, December 2nd, 2006

Beck is coming out of hiding this week to play a few gigs, here and there.  Well, mostly just here.  They’re all in southern California, and not all are open to the public.  On Wednesday Dec. 6, Beck is playing a private show for Yahoo, which will be on Yahoo! Music next month so everyone can watch it.  Yours truly will be there, writing a blog post about it for Yahoo.  :)  After that, there could be a fun secret club show but nothing’s set yet so if you’re around LA, keep your ears open.  Then Beck is playing KROQ’s annual Acoustic Christmas festival.  Then he is reportedly going to playing on Jimmy Kimmel’s TV show, so set your Tivos.

I’m going to try to do better updating this blog than I have, and I think Newt agrees to do the same.  I’ve just been really busy and Beck hasn’t been doing much since his tour ended.  But that shouldn’t stop us!