Show #15 of the Sea Change tours. Show #15 of the Sea Change Warm Up Tour, with Smokey Hormel.
Before "Little One," Beck calls it "kind of a strange one."; The "Tropicalia"is notably straight-forward, no long "Night Flight to Rio" jams.; Before"Nicotine," Beck explains how they like working up new, experimental stuffbefore the shows. Beck also sang bits of both "Where It's At," "Beercan," and"The Whole World" by Outkast during the song.; The only acoustic version of"Paper Tiger" ever, and it's beautiful.; Great version of "Lord Only Knows."; Beck begins to rap a little bit of "The Humpty Dance" during "One Man Jam"!;
Live debuts of "The Whole World" and "Paper Tiger."
Tour debut of "Nicotine & Gravy"
Only "The Whole World," "Paper Tiger" on the August 2002 Tour.
Songs 1-2, 5-7, 13, 18-22 solo; Songs 3-4, 8-12, 14-17, 23 with Smokey Hormel;Songs 8, 11 with Roland, the drum machine.
Beck - acoustic guitar #1-4, 6-7, 9-10, 12, 14, 16-18, 21-23
harmonica #5
keyboards #8, 11, 19
harmonium #13
celeste #15
toy guitar #20
Smokey - acoustic slide guitar #3, 14-15
acoustic guitar #4, 8-9, 12, 23
electric guitar #10
bass? #11
backing vocals #14, 23
electric guitar with violin bow #16
harmonium #17
people and bands]
Bass: Smokey Hormel
Celeste: Beck Hansen
Guitar (Acoustic Slide): Smokey Hormel
Guitar (Acoustic): Beck Hansen, Smokey Hormel
Guitar (Electric with Violin Bow): Smokey Hormel
Guitar (Toy): Beck Hansen
Harmonica: Beck Hansen
Harmonium: Beck Hansen, Smokey Hormel
Keyboard / Synthesizer: Beck Hansen
Vocals: Beck Hansen
Vocals (Background): Smokey Hormel