Girls & Boys
By: Alex James, Damon Albarn, Dave Rowntree, Graham Coxon
Written by: Alex James, Damon Albarn, Dave Rowntree, Graham Coxon

Live Versions:
  1. Girls & Boys
Girls & Boys [Live version (a)]:

from August 14 2003 "Funk" medley:

The girls who like boys
Who like the girls
The Song:

Beck, during his epic megajams of funk, sang snippets of all sorts of songs. One night, he busted out with the above line, which sort of comes from Blur's "Girls and Boys."

I have only heard this song appear in the megajam once, and it was only one line, not any more.

Played live 3 times:
Earliest known live version: August 14, 2003
Latest known live version: July 11, 2019