This show was announced the day of the show. After appearing on David Letterman in New York, the band headed down to DC to play a midnight show at a club... AFTER the Apples In Stereo already played there. (Thus, Beck adlibs the line "riding a bus down to DC from New York City" during one of the verses of "Go It Alone.") Apparently only 150 or so people were there, and they played a little longer than these secret late night club deals usually were.
This began a tiny road trip from DC to Atlanta to Dallas to El Paso where they left their instruments in New York, stopped at small clubs in each spot, borrowed equipment, and rocked out.
Setlist picked from the recording.
Also: Matt Mahaffey did play on Letterman, but does not seem to have been a part of their road trip tour home to LA. (He's not from LA.) I'm unsure if he played in DC or not.