Beck played a short set on the morning show on KROQ, who dubbed 05-05-05 "Cinco De Becko." Apparently, it was broadcast from a Mexican restaurant in Silverlake, CA. Questions and answers from the DJ hosts, and even fans, were interspersed throughout the set.
In the interview, Beck talks about married vs. singled life (less lonely, more love), his secret song-writing crystal orb, how he wants to collaborate with Yanni's mustache, eating bratwurst and large weiners in Germany, how he enjoys writing and recording songs, how he considered calling the new album Megaladon, how he likes Girls Aloud, his pocket calculator, and his bold prediction that people will listen and make music in 20 years.
The music is energetic, albeit a bit sloppy. It was early in the morning, so it's all good.