Spanking Room
By: Beck Hansen
Written by: Beck Hansen

Version Of: Spanking Room

This Version:
  • Spanking Room (9:07)
    Available on Beercan.
    Beck Hansen: Guitar (Electric), Producer, Vocals
    Tom Grimley: Producer
Mama don't take me
Down to the ??
Demeaning with yourself
With a wet cigarette
Pull back the drapes
Spank my ass
Your ass is getting tired
He's getting glad
The people are let down
?? at the town
Scream like ??
They don't love you
Pull back the drapes
Spreading my legs
Your ass is tired
You ??

Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you
Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you
Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you
Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you

Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you
Tell your parents and your teacher when something strange happens to you

Nobody loves me
Nobody loves me

Played live 5 times:
Earliest known live version: June 17, 1994
Latest known live version: September 1, 1994