She Fucked Me Up The Ass
By: Beck Hansen
Written by: Beck Hansen

Alternate Titles:

a.k.a. Freakout Eurobeat

She Fucked Me Up The Ass [Version (a)]:

from July 16-18, 1996 [not sure the date]:

How many of you out there like techno music? [Beat boxes] All that shit? Get funky with that? Like to freak out with that shit? Just like to freak out, Joe? Well we got that taken care of. Show them that little machine, Joey. Stagecoach, that is. [techno effects start]

She fucked me up the ass! She fucked me up the ass!
She fucked me up the ass! She fucked me up the ass!
And she looked just like Ben Cooley when she fucked me up the ass!
Are you ready to go fucking mad!? Are you ready to go mental!
DJ Stagecoach in effect! Are you ready to lose your mind?
She fucked him up the ass! She fucked me up the ass!
She fucked you up the ass! She fucked him up the ass!

from July 21, 1996:

We have to divulge something now. Before we dropped anchor in Amsterdam, we made a little stop in England and we picked up a little something. We picked up a little virus, really, a sort of seaborn disease! Not really scabies, but something close. It's called TECHNO! We're now trying to purge ourselves of this foul substance. Are you ready to go mental? Kick it, DJ Stagecoach!

Ah turn that shit up! What is this? We're not pussyfooting around!
Are you ready to go mental? Ah yeah pump it up, pump it!
Yeah, how do they do it? Everybody give it up!
Are you ready? Are you ready?

She fucked me up the ass... she fucked me up the ass
She fucked me up the ass... yeah, East-17 ain't got nothin' on this shit!
Alright, alright I feel like a piece of shit!
Ah the rave, the raven, I went to the rave
And she fucked me up the ass... she fucked me up the ass
She fucked me up the ass... she fucked me up the ass

Give it up for DJ Stagecoach right back there!

Alright, we stole that shit from East-17. They won't miss it. We left them a banjo.
The Song:

This fast techno romp broke out spontaneously in the middle of a couple of the concerts on the Odelay tour. Both were in the same week in July 1996.

The first time was at a off-tour club show in Italy, I believe. Sometimes it's referred to as "Freakout Eurobeat." Stagecoach (Joey) started some techno beat, and Beck started shouting the vocals while Smokey and Justin also provide some background shouts. (The Ben Cooley in the lyrics was the road manager.)

A few nights later, they did it again.

Played live 2 times:
Earliest known live version: July 16, 1996
Latest known live version: July 21, 1996

I've heard the two live versions. Were there any more?