The Wolf Is On The Hill
By: Beck Hansen
Written by: Beck Hansen

This Version:
The wolf is on the hill
The bird is in the briar
The thorn is on the rose
And your time is on the wire

Those days of grave concern have turned themselves to silence
While the winter fires burn what was left of kindness
So hide what you have learned, show off what you've squandered
And give yourself a turn, see how far from home you've wandered

The wolf is on the hill
The bird is in the briar
The thorn is on the rose
And your time is on the wire

Take apart circumstance and set it on a fault line
An avalanche of the past locked inside a goldmine
And when you cannot stand on the legs God gave you
The road has turned to sand that your will has sunken into

The wolf is on the hill
The baby's in the briar
The worm is on the rose
And your word is on the wire