I Just Started Hating Some People Today
By: Beck Hansen

Written by: Beck Hansen

  1. I Just Started Hating Some People Today
    Available on I Just Started Hating Some People Today.
    Recorded at: Third Man Studios
    Dean Fertita: Bass, Guitar (Acoustic), Keyboard / Synthesizer, Vocals (Background)
    Jack White: Drums, Guitar (Acoustic), Producer, Vocals, Vocals (Background)
    Fats Kaplin: Fiddle, Guitar (Pedal Steel)
    Beck Hansen: Guitar (Electric), Harmonica, Vocals
    Karen Elson: Vocals
I Just Started Hating Some People Today [Version (a)]:

I just started to see the light of day
Some people say one thing but act the other way
And sooner or later, they give themselves away
And I just started to see the light of day

I just started hating some people today
They're talking trash behind your back all day
Saying things that a garbageman would not say
And I just started hating some people today

I just started wanting to kill someone
And I don't need a nunchuck or a gun
There's one look in my eye and you will run
And I just started wanting to kill someone

I just started wanting to see you dead
At least one half of the double life you led
And I may be joking, you'll be choking instead
And I just started wanting to see you dead

And I just started wanting to punch your face
You might want to wear a helmet just in case
What was once your face is gonna be replaced
And I just started wanting to punch your face

Well I just started hating some people today
Rick and Floyd and Randy better run away (Randy)
Some others I don't even think I have to name
'Cause I just started seeing the light of day

Hey hey hooo hey!
I hate you Randy
Don't you go ??
1 2 3 4
I just want to hate today
I just want
hate you Randy!

Oh yea... I'm gonna kill you
Oh yea... da da da
I'm gonna kill you Randy
I'm gonna watch you diiiie
You're so dead
The Song:

"I Just Started Hating Some People Today" is a song Beck released on Jack White's Third Man Records as a stand-alone single. Beck had been in Nashville working on new material at White's studio (a reported country-ish album that never got finished, but some songs got reworked onto Morning Phase). On his final day there, Beck and Jack recorded these two songs (along with "Blue Randy") "spontaneously."

Jack White produced the session, and not only does he drum and sing (the punk rock coda), but Dean Fertita (plays in White's band, The Dead Weather), Karen Elson (White's ex-wife, who has worked with Beck before), and Fat Kaplin (often plays with White) all appear on this song.

The song begins with some pure country sounds, as Beck twangs the first verse over some slide guitar. The story progresses from mere frustration to hate to threats to violence to murder. Lyrically, the song seems to be related to "Blue Randy," its b-side, as well (that song may might actually be the murder part of the story).

The music progresses some too, starting out in pure country vibes, but getting nastier as it goes. A punk rock coda (sung by Jack White) pops up, and yet another coda on top of that one follows (sung by Jack's ex-wife Karen Elson).

It's a pretty impressive little recording, a murder ballad that taps into a some humor, and showing the versatility that highlights the best of Beck (and Jack White's) work.