Lyrics:Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep [Version (a)]:
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep
I lay me down in peace to sleep
Secure, I rest upon the wave
For though Oh! Lord, hast power to save
I know tho wilt not sight my call
For thou dost mark the sparrow's fall!
And calm and peaceful is my sleep
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep
And calm and peaceful is my sleep
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep
And such the trust that still were mine
Tho' stormy winds swept o'er the brine
Or tho' the tempest's fiery breath
Rous'd me from sleep to wreck and death!
In ocean cave still safe with Thee
The germ of immortality
And calm and peaceful is my sleep
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep
And calm and peaceful is my sleep
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep
The Song:In order for it to feel more authentic, Beck filled out his
Song Reader book with fragments of songs and melodies, as well as fictional album collections and song titles. "Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep" can be found in the collection of manly hymns,
Hymns For Him.
While a lot of these titles are made-up, some are references to older sheet music/songs. This one refers to
a religious song from 1840, by Joseph Philip Knight.